The Tiretown Scholarship Banquet will be held Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Alpha Center, beginning at 10 a.m.
We appreciate everyone’s support of our scholarship program and recipients over the years. The cost for this year’s scholarship banquet/breakfast is $20, payable either at the door, or mail check payable to Tiretown Golf Charities, P.O. Box 562, Akron, Ohio 44309.
The keynote speaker will be Attorney Imokhai Akolo. Our invited guests will include six scholarship recipients and their parents. We look forward to seeing you all there.
All information for the banquet program book — including ads — must be submitted no later than Oct. 16.
The program ad prices are:
$250 Full Page Color, $200 Half Page Color
$150 Full Page Black & White, $100 Half Page Black &White.
Ads are to be forwarded to Ralph Paulk at
Checks can be made to:
Tiretown Golf Charities
P.O. Box 562
Akron, Ohio 44309